Time on Albert Drive is flying far too fast. My privileged time meeting, talking, sharing and dancing with people at home is coming to an end. Last week someone told me about “forgetting” how to dance and the joy of re-finding it, while for someone else dance at home was a personal meditation to calm the mind and feed the body. And no two people have yet chosen the same favourite music to dance to.
This week will be spent downloading these favourite ‘living room’ dance tracks (it will be a large and excitingly eclectic playlist!), along with listening to and editing the audio recordings, and also making decisions about the exhibition installation that will go into T5 in Tramway. There’s a lot to think about.
It is a really interesting process re-presenting someone’s personal story for others to listen to and receive. It is a big responsibility, not only to be true to what was shared but also to give it added value and meaning, for the person whose story it is and for others in the wider community. My fingers are crossed!
I’m also organizing a Living Room Dances Gathering, so that everyone who has taken part can meet each other. I am really looking forward to introducing each person to their fellow Albert Drive ‘living room dancers’. We will play the compilation favourite music to dance to and who knows what might result……