Highlights this week have been talking to a nine year old who created a disco dance floor on his ipad and then went on to dance on his living room carpet. I got some great photos.
And I spoke to 3 people in an Albert Drive shop asking if they danced at home. They all did and also spoke about the importance of dancing alone in private. It was a lovely conversation that also included a woman from Edinburgh who had come to visit the Albert Drive Gurdwara. One of the people who worked in the shop had never visited Edinburgh before and in the spirit of neighbourliness, as Edinburgh is my home city, it felt right to offer to meet her from the train and give her a tour. I’m going back to the shop tomorrow to arrange it.
With the help of my great Albert Drive volunteers I’ve organised a social get-together for all these living room dancers. I am so looking forward to introducing them to each other, a real meeting of neighbours, who all have something in common and all have something to share. We will talk and exchange, share stories, share food and I hope dance together to the playlist of each person’s favourite living room dance track