This week I’ve danced (and sang!) to Patsy Cline, Elton John, Status Quo and Led Zeppelin. I’ve learned about ‘the comeback’ of vinyl and the desire to have the tangible feel of the music in your hands. I’ve met extraverts and introverts, the former dancing at the drop of a hat and the latter dancing in private, either alone or as a family sharing. And there has been the theme of both the kitchen – cooking and dancing – and the dining room - pushing the table back, as the best dancing places at home.
The importance of parties and social gatherings has been mentioned a lot, dancing at parties with groups of friends, dancing together to celebrate. I’m looking forward to organizing a social event when all the Albert Drive Living Room Dances participants can come together to meet each other. We’ll play the compilation soundtrack I’m creating of people’s favourite tracks to dance to at home, we’ll listen to excerpts of the dancing stories that have been shared and recorded, share some food and hopefully have a dance if the spirit moves us – the extroverts certainly will! Us introverts, me included, will look on and smile.