It’s out!
Everybody’s House, a lovely ‘tea caddy’ house designed by EDO Architecture, based on a concept by Glas(s) Performance, is making its first outing on Albert Drive today.
Glas(s) Performance are using Everybody’s House as an open invitation for the local community to spend time together as part of the Albert Drive Project.
Today, the house is based on the corner of Albert Drive and Kenmure Street outside the Londis shop and over the coming months it will travel to different locations along Albert Drive on various days. During this time, we hope it will be host to a large number of people and activities as a way of exploring the central idea of ‘neighbour’.
You can pop along and have a cup of tea and a home-made cake in Everybody’s House when it’s on the drive. What a brilliant way to have a break and meeting your neighbours!
There will be lots more to follow in and about Everybody’s House…keep posted with regular updates about where the house is going to be and what’s happening in it by following and Twitter and liking us on Facebook.