Soon after starting on Albert Drive, Glas(s) Performance identified the need to create a strong visual identity for the project as a way of beginning to build momentum and encourage participation.

As a result I’m on ALBERT DRIVE was introduced on the drive. This statement appearing in both English and Urdu was printed onto badges worn by residents, produced as posters, displayed in homes and businesses and made into a large sign which artists, volunteers and neighbours each held for a photograph to be profiled on the website. 

The I’m on ALBERT DRIVE campaign functioned as way for the local community to register their interest in the project and willingness to getting to know their neighbours. It also acted as a successful tool for the team to begin to meet lots of people and make the initial relationships that would go on to be the cornerstone of the artwork that would be made on Albert Drive. 

A further development of this idea was suggested by Bill Lawns from the Nan McKay Centre who initiated the collection of I’m on ALBERT DRIVE in a wide variety of other languages represented in Pollokshields.